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Human Rights Development Commitment and Statement

Compliance with the requirements of sustainable development standards by PDL company and all management is thebasicconditionof a responsible company, and it is also the expectationof stakeholderssuch as consumers, customers and employees. The company promises to abide by the national labor, health, safety,environment, professional ethics and sustainable development lawsand regulations, comply with internationally recognizedrelevant standards, and other applicable industry standards, andcontinuouslyimprove the working conditions and benefits of employees. Likequalitymanagement, sustainable development management is alsoanintegral part of the company's daily operations, and fulfillingsustainable development is a necessary condition for thecompanytoprovide good products to meet customer needs. The companyestablishes, implements and maintains a good sustainabledevelopment management system, and extends this requirement tosuppliers and subcontractors. Sustainable development policy: Establish a corporateenvironmentthat protects the environment, human rights, safety andhealth, soastoimprove the sustainable development of the company. Implementsustainable and effective sustainable development management goals, continuously improve the company's sustainabledevelopment management status, abide by the requirem

management status, abide by the requirements of relevant lawsandregulations on sustainable development, and achieveefficient sustainable development management performance. Promotelabor-management cooperation, provide an equal andfair workingenvironment, respect employee freedom, and prohibit anyformof forced labor and discrimination. Reasonably arrange productionplansand employees' working hours to ensure employees' right torest andleave. Care for the living environment of human beings, ensurethesafetyandhealth of employees, control the discharge of productionpollutants, and save energy and resource consumption. Comply withthecodeofprofessional ethics to ensure the normal operation of thecompany. Actively promote the

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